Science Slam
Science Slam WCM2022 - It’s all about Mollusca!
Science does not need to be dry and boring. Be part of the Science Slam WCM2022 and bring your research to stage in an exciting and entertaining way.
In six-minute-talks you will have the opportunity to inspire the audience with your research topic.
All possible presentation aids are permitted. The audience will judge the presentations and select the slam king or queen. Besides the love and gratitude of the audience, there is also a special prize to be won.
It does not matter whether your research is already completed or still in progress.
That is why we would like to encourage young scientists in particular to participate in this slam.
If you are interested please send us a title as well as a short abstract (max. 350 words) by e-mail to until April 15th, 2022. Please use the provided abstract template
(Link: and “Science Slam WCM2022 Abstract Submission” in your e-mail subject line.
Notification of abstract acceptance will be due May 31th, 2022.