World Congress of Malacology 2022

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Awards for traveling to the symposium and research support

Dear All,
Thanks to the generous support of our donors, we are pleased to announce a call for proposals for the “Symposium in honor of Philippe Bouchet: Exploration, biodiversity, and systematics of molluscs” to be held at the World Congress of Malacology in Munich, August 1-5, 2022.

The purpose of these awards is to support:
1) symposium attendance and
2) research on mollusks.

One or more awards up to $1,000.00 will be awarded in support of travel to the symposium; eligible costs include transportation and lodging costs, and registration fees.
In addition, one or more awards up to $2,500.00 will be awarded in support of collections-based research (MNHN, Paris or others), field or laboratory research of Recent mollusks; eligible costs include travel and lodging, materials and supplies, sequencing costs (equipment needs cannot be supported through this call).
Proposals seeking amounts less than the maximum are encouraged; partial funding may be granted at the discretion of the awards committee.

This call is open to all nationalities and career stages, but preference will be given to undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral students. Applications that do not conform to the guidelines or that are submitted after the deadline will not be considered. Proposals will be evaluated by the organizing committee (Nicolas Puillandre, Yuri Kantor, Ellen Strong) based on quality, significance, need, feasibility (in the case of research), and alignment with the themes of the symposium (
The number of awards are subject to the availability of funds. We have set up a GoFundMe page where you can donate in support of these awards:

1. Symposium attendance:
- Applicants should submit the abstract they intend to present (both posters and oral presentations are eligible), budget with justification (.5 page), and CV/biosketch (1 page). Undergraduate (bachelor’s) and graduate (Master’s, Ph.D.) students should also include a brief letter of support from their advisor or mentor (1 page).
- Please see the conference website for submission and presenting guidelines: Submission and Presenting guidelines - World Congress of Malacology 2022 - LMU Munich
2. Research:
- Applicants should submit a three-page summary of the proposed research including title, introduction, objectives, materials and methods, timetable, itemized budget and justification, references, and any figures.
- A complete application package should also include a one-page biosketch/CV.
- Undergraduate (bachelor’s) and graduate (Master’s, Ph.D.) students should also include a brief letter of support from an advisor or mentor (1 page).

All applications should be prepared in 12-point font, single-spaced throughout, with margins no less than 2.5 cm. Application materials should be sent electronically in pdf format to at

Application deadline for the travel grants: March 15th, 2022
Application deadline for the research grants: May 31th, 2022

All the best,
Ellen Strong, Yuri Kantor, Nicolas Puillandre